Publishing - SIDO

To allow a wide and international circulation of SIDO members’ scientific papers, in 1999 SIDO founded Progress in Orthodontics (PiO). Manuscripts reporting the results of clinical or clinically relevant investigations are considered suitable for publication. All articles must be peer reviewed by a pool of Referees serving within the Editorial Board and the Advisory Committee, a group of renowned specialists in the different branches of orthodontics.

In 2013 SIDO launches a new Journal European Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.The European Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (EJCO) is a new clinical publication for the Orthodontic Pratictioner, publishing clinical case reports accompanied by a rationale for the clinical approach described. It is a peer-reviewed professional publication, published in English language three times a year.

Progress in Orthodontics

European Journal of Clinical Orthodontics

WFO Gazette

Italy for Oral Health

Via Gaggia, 1
20139 Milano (Italy)
P.IVA: 09912490159
C.F. 02497080107


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