Information on the Privacy Law - SIDO

Information on the Privacy Law

S.I.D.O. – Italian Society of Orthodontics, with registered office in Milan, Via Pietro Gaggia 1, 20139, informs that the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 (general data on protection regulation) and Legislative Decree no. 101 of 10 August, 2018 protect the person with regard to the processing of personal data and their free circulation. The processing of data by S.I.D.O will take place for the fulfillment of the associative relationship and the fulfillment of all legal obligations including the privacy legislation and, in compliance with this legal basis, S.I.D.O. will treat the data in a lawful, correct and transparent manner, for specific and legitimate purposes, as explained below, and limited to the purposes themselves. The data will be updated in order to guarantee its accuracy with respect to the indicated purpose whose achievement will determine the duration of the conservation. In particular the duration will be equal to the duration of the associative relationship, without prejudice to the rules for the subsequent conservation.

The data are processed in security by appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure their integrity and to avoid their destruction, loss or accidental damage. The data communicated to S.I.D.O. are essential for the purposes indicated and S.I.D.O. will make sure to specify the nature of the optional data if and whenever will be required. The failure to provide personal data will prevent the refinement of your association request and the pursuit of the indicated purposes. We inform you that you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time with the same ease with which it is granted. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent before revocation.

This information and declaration of consent at the bottom of the application for admission to the Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO) must be duly signed, together with the application for admission, to the SIDO Secretariat, Via Pietro Gaggia 1, 20139 Milan, by fax or by e-mail to:

1. Purposes of data processing:

In the event that he will become a member of S.I.D.O. Your data will be processed for:

  • allow the correct conduct of the association life, by sending correspondence, cultural and scientific programs, administrative documents, scientific journals, material related to the promotion of the company image and anything else concerning the orthodontic culture and SIDO, as well as the institutional activity Association;
  • allow and develop contacts between members and the exchange of information / opinions and spread the knowledge of who SIDO is.
2. Sources and methods of data processing.

The Sources of the collection and processing of your personal data are represented by your communications and by public databases according to the law, such as, for example, and not exhaustive, the Professional Orders. The treatment is carried out with paper and/or computerized methods; for both telephonic and telematic means, also through automated tools used for storing, managing and transmitting data, even with the aid of automated processes, for the collection, registration, organization, structuring, preservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination and any other form of making available, comparison with public databases, interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction . Your data may be transferred outside Italy or the European Union for the purposes indicated and in this case appropriate measures will be taken to ensure an adequate level of security.

3. Subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated:

Within the scope of the purpose referred to in point 1, your personal data may be disclosed to:

  • our collaborators, employees, suppliers, companies supplying hardware and software, providers of electronic communication services and producers of electronic tools in the context of their duties and / or any contractual obligations with them, concerning the commercial relationships with the interested parties;
  • factoring companies, debt collection agencies, credit insurance companies;
  • post offices, shippers and couriers for sending documentation and/or material;
  • professional, legal, administrative, accounting and tax consultancy firms, auditing firms, labor consultancy firms, Chambers of Commerce, Chambers and Labor offices;
  • public bodies only in cases where this is required by law;
  • economic and commercial information companies;
  • banking institutions for the management of collections and payments deriving from the execution of contracts;
  • insurance companies;
  • the data may be spread (it means to give knowledge to one or more indeterminate subjects) to third parties via electronic means, the Internet site of the association with the only purpose of allowing a proper conduct of the association activity.

The data spread and any other form of making available will take place after you become a member of S.I.D.O.

4. Rights of the interested party

In relation to your personal data processed by SIDO, we expressly inform you of your rights under the national law and referred to the Articles 13 and 14 and referred to Articles 15 to 22 as well as Article 34 REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation):
Right to have a copy of personal data held by S.I.D.O. (Article 15 EU regulation);
Right of access by the interested party to their data and related information (Article 15 EU regulation);
Right of rectification (Article 16 EU regulation);
Right to cancellation (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 EU regulation);
Right to limit processing (Article 18 EU regulation);
Right to notification in case of rectification or cancellation of personal data or limitation of processing (Article 19 EU regulation);
Right to data portability (Article 20 EU regulation);
Right of opposition (Article 21 EU regulation);
Right not to be subjected to an automated decision-making process concerning natural persons, including profiling (Article 22 EU regulation);
Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and to report a personal data breach without undue delay with the description of the nature of the personal data breach, measures taken or proposed by the data controller for remedy the violation of personal data and also, if necessary, to mitigate the possible negative effects (Article 34 EU regulation).

5. Holder and manager of the Processing and Responsible for Data Protection

The Data Controller and Data Processor is S.I.D.O./Società Italiana di Ortodonzia, with headquarters in 20139 Milan, Via Pietro Gaggia, 1 in the person of the President Pro-tempore.

The DPO (data protection officer), the Person in charge of Protection of Personal Data is SIDO legal representative, tel.02-, e-mail: , PEC:, at S.I.D.O. Italian Society of Orthodontics, with headquarters in 20139 Milan, Via Pietro Gaggia, 1.

To exercise your rights you can directly contact S.I.D.O. and the DPO (data protection officer). To make a complaint you can contact directly the supervisory authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data –

Via Gaggia, 1
20139 Milano (Italy)
P.IVA: 09912490159
C.F. 02497080107


Tel +39 02 5680.8224
Fax +39 02 5830.4804

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