SIDO was founded prior to the opening of the first Specialty School of Orthodontics in Italy in 1976. All the Directors and Chairs of the Postgraduate Programs in Orthodontics are SIDO members. They actively participate in the life of the Society and they have an active role on the SIDO Council together with private practitioners. Through this strong link the Italian Society of Orthodontics sponsors the Orthodontic Postgraduate Day at the Collegio dei Docenti, the annual meeting of Dental and Postgraduate Italian Academics.
SIDO is also well known as an open window to Orthodontics for those showing an interest in joining the Orthodontic profession, are professionally exposed to or occasionally or have a limited involvement in Orthodontics. SIDO is a founder of FEO (Federatio Europea Ortodontica) and MOIP (Mediterranean Orthodontics Integration Project). It maintains a strong leading position in promoting Orthodontics in Europe and the Mediterranean area. SIDO continues to act as main office of the MOIP for logistic support.